The professional development framework for specialist prostate cancer nursing
This Professional Development Framework, supported by Prostate Cancer UK and developed by nurses, researchers, and patients, outlines the essential skills, knowledge, and training for nurses advancing in prostate cancer care.
Hormones Therapy: living well with ADT
Lisa O’Sullivan, Senior Specialist Nurse at Prostate Cancer UK, presents an overview on Hormone Therapy and Androgen Deprivation Therapy.
Risks, Counselling, and the importance of Active Surveillance
David Thurtle, senior urology registrar in the East of England, introduces you to the importance of Active Surveillance.
Active Surveillance – the Wild West of prostate cancer management
Vincent J Gnanapragasam, Professor of Urology in the University of Cambridge and an Honorary Consultant Urologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, presents the difficulties and challenges of Active Surveillance.
Equality, inclusivity, and holistic care of prostate cancer
Siva Tharshini Ramalingam, Cardio-Oncology Specialty Doctor at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, shares insights on equality, inclusivity, and holistic care of prostate cancer.
Meet the unmet need: how to provide support on sexual functions
William Kinnaird, Consultant Therapeutic Radiographer at University College London Hospitals , helps you understanding the importance of providing support on sexual functions after a prostate cancer treatment.
Living and dying well with prostate cancer
Philippa Aslet, Director of Nursing, St Michaels Hospice North Hampshire and Ann Graham, volunteer at Prostate Cancer UK, discuss the importance of living and dying well with prostate cancer.
Patients’ Story
Nick Ridgman, Head of Support Services at Prostate Cancer UK, is joined by Robin Porter and Anthony Francis, patients with lived experience, to discuss missing recurrences after prostatectomy.
Active surveillance: Supported self-management and Nurse led approach
Vineetha Thankapannair, Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Cambridge University Hospitals, presents a session on Active Surveillance focusing on supported self-management and nurse led approach.
Reasonable adjustments for people with Learning Disabilities
Serena Jones, Learning Disability & Autism Acute Liaison Nurse at the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, explains which reasonable adjustments to action for patients with learning disabilities when visit them.