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Prostate Cancer Essentials: Part 2 – Diagnosing and Staging

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Learning time: 

30 Minutes

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Area of Practice:

Primary Care & Secondary Care
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Recommended for:

All Health Professionals
A course providing healthcare professionals with an increased understanding of how prostate cancer is diagnosed.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the potential benefits and harms of PSA testing with asymptomatic patients, where there is a concern about their risk of prostate cancer, so that they can make an informed decision based on their individual circumstances (for example, comorbidities) and preferences.
  • Confidently explain how and why individual benefits of a PSA blood test will be different for each patient.
  • Provide decision making support to patients at the diagnosis stage, to make decisions that are right for them, based on the outcomes of the investigations undertaken.

If you are involved in the treatment of prostate cancer, the course provides an opportunity to increase awareness of the patient journey at this diagnostic phase and enhance understanding of the different stages of prostate cancer that are seen in practice.

Course Author
CatherineHolborn|Senior Lecturer in Radiotherapy & Oncology at Sheffield Hallam University and Training & Education Lead Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC)|


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Recommended learning and resources



National Prostate Cancer Audit: State of the Nation Report 2024

This report shows that Black men have higher rates of stage 3 and stage 4 prostate cancer diagnosis compared to white men, and Black men in their 60s who get a later diagnosis are also less likely to get NICE-approved treatment on the NHS.
