
0:45 Learning hours

Facilitating virtual supported self-management workshops

A course for health professionals involved in delivering personalised stratified follow up care. The course covers the background to supported self-management, personalised stratified follow up, and supports participants in developing the knowledge and skills required to facilitate supported self-management workshops with men. This course may also benefit health professionals involved in delivering any intervention that promotes self-management.

The content is based on materials developed as part of the TrueNTH supported self-management and follow up care project* and has been further developed and enhanced with thanks to Haves MediComms, Hazel Brodie, Debbie Victor, Clare Waymont and Fay Fawke.

This course consists of five modules plus an over-arching training framework:

  • Introduction to supported self-management
  • Facilitating supported self-management workshops
  • Supported self-management workshop planning
  • Facilitating the supported self-management workshops
  • Facilitating virtual supported self-management workshops

By the end of this module you should be able to:

  • Identify the skills and techniques required to run the virtual workshop
  • Understand the steps to set up a virtual workshop
  • Consider how virtual workshops could be run locally

Note: This module is designed to provide tips, advice and insights into running the supported self-management workshops virtually, via video conferencing. We would recommend you still complete the other modules in this course, including the face-to-face facilitating the workshop module as this provides additional support and information on running the meetings and facilitation skills. This module deals only with the specifics of the virtual component. The platform that you use locally doesn’t matter, this module should be applicable to all.


*Led by the University of Southampton in partnership with Dartford and Gravesham NHST; Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHST; Royal United Hospitals Bath NHSFT; St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHST; and the University Hospital Southampton NHSFT

This module is part of the following courses: