Prostate mpMRI in the UK: the state of the nation
The article discusses how advancements in multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) are enhancing prostate cancer diagnosis by reducing unnecessary biopsies and targeting significant cancers, despite ongoing challenges like geographical variation and limited resources.
Best practice in active surveillance for men with prostate cancer: a Prostate Cancer UK consensus statement
The article presents a consensus statement on prostate cancer active surveillance best practices in the UK, highlighting practice variations and the need for improved patient information and support.
Lifetime risk of being diagnosed with, or dying from, prostate cancer by major ethnic group in England 2008–2010
The article reveals that Black men in England face significantly higher lifetime risks of prostate cancer diagnosis and mortality compared to White and Asian men, with the highest diagnosis and death rates among Black men, while mortality rates post-diagnosis are similar across ethnic groups.
Active Surveillance – Follow up protocol and risk stratification
Lucy Simmons, Consultant Urologist at the Royal United Hospitals in Bath, presents a session on Active Surveillance focusing on follow up protocol and risk stratification.
The importance of real-world data in prostate cancer
Natalia Norori, Data & Evidence Manager at Prostate Cancer UK, helps us understand the importance of real- world data in prostate cancer.
The power of physical activity
Sarah Dewhurts, Physiotherapist and Service Lead at Physiotherapist and Service Lead, shares insights on the power of physical activity for your prostate cancer patients.
Considerations for transgender and gender diverse patients with prostate cancer
Stewarts O’Callagham, CEO at OUTpatients, Alison Berner, Academic Clinical Lecturer at the Barts Cancer Institute , and Lloyd Young, patient with lived experience, share their considerations on the LGBTQI+ prostate cancer patients.
Active Surveillance entry criteria
Jaimin Bhatt, Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, presents a session on Active Surveillance focusin on entry criteria.
Optimising the use of the prostate- specific antigen blood test in asymptomatic men for early prostate cancer detection in primary care: report from a UK clinical consensus
The report examines the optimal use of the PSA test for detecting prostate cancer in asymptomatic UK men, recommends proactive testing for those at higher risk, and suggests reviewing existing guidelines to improve screening practices.
GIRFT Urology: Towards better diagnosis and management of suspected prostate cancer
Supported by BAUS and BAUN, the practical guidance provides a checklist and detailed principles for delivering top-quality care across the entire patient pathway, including primary care, secondary care, ongoing monitoring, biopsies, and treatment choices.