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A report from a UK clinical consensus on PSA blood testing

Our limited-time only webinar that was recorded at the Guidelines conference in November 2024, about optimising the use of the PSA blood test in asymptomatic men for early prostate cancer detection in primary care. *This recording will expire in November 2025*

Counselling Patients on the PSA Blood Test

Prostate Cancer UK’s toolkit offers an overview of updated PSA test guidance per the 2019 NICE guidelines, aiming to improve diagnostic accuracy and safety, and assists healthcare professionals in discussing the test’s pros and cons with patients to support informed decision-making.

Tens of thousands fewer men face harm in prostate cancer diagnosis

Prostate Cancer UK’s new research indicates that improved scans and safer biopsies may allow the UK to launch a prostate cancer screening program, potentially reducing deaths and harms, with the National Screening Committee considering new screening proposals.

Active Surveillance entry criteria

Jaimin Bhatt, Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, presents a session on Active Surveillance focusin on entry criteria.

The power of physical activity

Sarah Dewhurts, Physiotherapist and Service Lead at Physiotherapist and Service Lead, shares insights on the power of physical activity for your prostate cancer patients.