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Prostate mpMRI in the UK: the state of the nation

The article discusses how advancements in multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) are enhancing prostate cancer diagnosis by reducing unnecessary biopsies and targeting significant cancers, despite ongoing challenges like geographical variation and limited resources.

Living and dying well with prostate cancer 

Philippa Aslet, Director of Nursing, St Michaels Hospice North Hampshire and Ann Graham, volunteer at Prostate Cancer UK, discuss the importance of living and dying well with prostate cancer.

Patients’ Story

Nick Ridgman, Head of Support Services at Prostate Cancer UK, is joined by Robin Porter and Anthony Francis, patients with lived experience, to discuss missing recurrences after prostatectomy.

Active Surveillance entry criteria

Jaimin Bhatt, Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, presents a session on Active Surveillance focusin on entry criteria.