Exploring radiotherapy treatment, pathways and supportive care – a collaboration with RadChat

Prostate Cancer UK teams up with RadChat, the award-winning, first Therapeutic Radiographer-led podcast, to deliver this valuable webinar about radiotherapy in prostate cancer treatment.
Risks, Counselling, and the importance of Active Surveillance

David Thurtle, senior urology registrar in the East of England, introduces you to the importance of Active Surveillance.
Active Surveillance – the Wild West of prostate cancer management

Vincent J Gnanapragasam, Professor of Urology in the University of Cambridge and an Honorary Consultant Urologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, presents the difficulties and challenges of Active Surveillance.
Equality, inclusivity, and holistic care of prostate cancer
Siva Tharshini Ramalingam, Cardio-Oncology Specialty Doctor at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, shares insights on equality, inclusivity, and holistic care of prostate cancer.
Living and dying well with prostate cancer

Philippa Aslet, Director of Nursing, St Michaels Hospice North Hampshire and Ann Graham, volunteer at Prostate Cancer UK, discuss the importance of living and dying well with prostate cancer.
Patients’ Story

Nick Ridgman, Head of Support Services at Prostate Cancer UK, is joined by Robin Porter and Anthony Francis, patients with lived experience, to discuss missing recurrences after prostatectomy.
Active Surveillance entry criteria

Jaimin Bhatt, Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, presents a session on Active Surveillance focusin on entry criteria.
Active Surveillance – Follow up protocol and risk stratification

Lucy Simmons, Consultant Urologist at the Royal United Hospitals in Bath, presents a session on Active Surveillance focusing on follow up protocol and risk stratification.
Active surveillance: Supported self-management and Nurse led approach

Vineetha Thankapannair, Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Cambridge University Hospitals, presents a session on Active Surveillance focusing on supported self-management and nurse led approach.
GIRFT Urology: Towards better diagnosis and management of suspected prostate cancer
Supported by BAUS and BAUN, the practical guidance provides a checklist and detailed principles for delivering top-quality care across the entire patient pathway, including primary care, secondary care, ongoing monitoring, biopsies, and treatment choices.